Did Obama use Ayers as a Ghostwriter?

Did Barack Obama use former Weathermen leader, William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist, to pen his memoir, “Dreams from My Father”? Jack Cashill of the American Thinker postulates the idea, and his evidence is compelling. He compares the writing styles of Mr. Ayres’ book “Fugitive Days” to the Democratic Presidential Nominee’s book, and remarks on how life experience influenced the writing, as well as making direct sentence comparison.

I am not as convinced. However, I am certain that the Ayers/Obama relationship goes much further than either of them admit to, and there is a reason why Obama is not more forthcoming.

If my neighbor had the same background as Mr. Ayers, I would certainly like to understand exactly where the man stands before I associate myself with him, not to mention, serving on boards with him.

The relationship itself does not influence my opinion of Barrack Obama, he is a liberal through and through and will not be a leader, but a divider of our nation. As many other have stated before me, the problem is his unwillingness to discuss this troublesome relationship with the American voters, and be candid and forthcoming about this and other questionable relations he has currently or in the past.