What are the Republican Party’s Principles?

Representative Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mi) exchanged witty banter on RedEye with Greg Gutfeld last night. While the  banter is fun, pay attention to what the congressman says about halfway through the interview.

He is actually quoting from his own  Nov. 2008 article at  The American Spectator- “Now, Seize Freedom”. 

In short, it really sums up the basic foundations of the Republican Party well.

What are the Republican Party’s principles that will be employed to meet and surmount these challenges? We have five enduring principles:

1.    Our liberty is from God not the government.
2.    Our sovereignty rests in our souls not the soil.
3.    Our security is through strength not surrender.
4.    Our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector.
5.    Our truths are self-evident not relative.

Well said Congresman!